Frequently asked Loan Questions

Can any Wisconsin Annual Conference United Methodist Congregation apply for a first mortgage loan from the Loan Pooled Fund?

Yes, however to qualify for a mortgage commitment, the congregation must complete a thorough and rigorous application and underwriting process. In general, the church must demonstrate a past record of stewardship and church finances which will allow the church to service this new mortgage debt without jeopardizing the vitality and support of the ongoing church ministry and mission program. Payment of Conference Apportionments is a factor that is reviewed as part of our underwriting process.

Churches must pass a rigorous application and underwriting process, including approval of the building project(s) by the District Committee on Building and Locations, signed letters of approval by the District Superintendent and Church Pastor, passing of the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation Cash Flow Model indicating the Church is able to service the mortgage debt without jeopardizing its ongoing program of ministry and mission, and final approval by the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation Loan Committee.

What will be the rate of interest charged on these mortgages?

The lowest rate will be offered to churches requesting an Adjustable Rate Mortgage with the interest rate moving in relationship to a defined index. Churches wishing to fix their interest rate for three to ten years will pay a slightly higher rate of interest, as determined by the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation Loan Committee, which would be adjusted only at the end of the three-year, five-year or ten-year fixed rate period. There would be a minimum floor rate and maximum ceiling rate that could be charged during the term of the mortgage agreement.Churches must pass a rigorous application and underwriting process, including approval of the building project(s) by the District Committee on Building and Locations, signed letters of approval by the District Superintendent and Church Pastor, passing of the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation Cash Flow Model indicating the Church is able to service the mortgage debt without jeopardizing its ongoing program of ministry and mission, and final approval by the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation Loan Committee.

What will happen if a church begins to experience difficulty in keeping current on its mortgage payments?

The Wisconsin UM Foundation will continuously watch the performance of all outstanding mortgages. If we notice that a church is beginning to experience difficulties in their repayment, the Foundation will provide stewardship assistance and guidance to help the church regain sound stewardship patterns. Unlike a commercial lender, the Foundation’s primary goal is to help a church grow in ministry and maximize its available resources. We expect every church to successfully repay their church loan. Remember, the available loan funds belong to other churches or to the Foundation. We have a fiduciary responsibility to insure those funds are not exposed to undue risk.

Can a church refinance an existing mortgage with a new mortgage at the Wisconsin UM Foundation?

Yes, however, the church would have to complete a thorough application and underwriting process similar to other applicants.