Year Round Ideas

People give when they are convinced that their giving is directly related to something good happening.  That message cannot be told only once a year!  Stewardship is not an annual financial campaign, but a way of life.

The ideas in this booklet, Ideas for Year-Round Financial Stewardship, are tools your stewardship committee can use to develop a year-round comprehensive stewardship strategy, focusing on nurturing Christian disciples, rather than balancing the budget. When a church replaces its goal of “increasing the budget” with “helping persons make a faithful response,” miracles will happen!

We suggest you use this booklet with your stewardship team, church council, or a small group committed to growing generosity in your congregation.


Mark the items your congregation is already doing.


Then, have each person circle 5-6 ideas they think might work well in your congregation at this time.  Tabulate these results.


Implement one new idea per quarter, evaluating as you go.


Schedule them into the existing church calendar, avoid conflicts, and work in harmony with the current mission and ministry of the church.

The time periods given are only a suggestion. What will work in your setting? Choose only as many as you can do well. Try to vary the choices from year to year. Be sure to keep the pastor(s), Church Council and other leaders informed of your plans!

Be positive in all you do! Lift up what is being given – not what is still needed, particularly when reporting financial stewardship.

Other Stewardship Services


  • Charitable Gift Giving Seminars
  • Consultations with local churches:
    • on Investment Services
    • on Endowment Funds
    • on Stewardship Programs
    • to Administrative Boards/Councils
    • to Wills and Memorials Committees
  • Consultations with individuals or potential donors
  • Consultations with lawyers, financial institutions and financial planners
  • Freed-Up Financial Living Ministry
  • Annual Clergy Tax Seminar
  • Stock gift processing for your church with NO COMMISSION or FEE!